The most compact Kotlin crash course on the web.
Here are some stats about the course:
- This course takes roughly 2 hours of watch time in total.
- You will write roughly 500 lines of code.
- You’ll go through ~50 examples demonstrating concepts from very basic to pretty advanced.
Once enrolled, you have access to the course for as long as Rock the JVM is a thing. You can watch this in an envening and get off your chair with Kotlin in your arsenal. You also have a GitHub repo with all the code I wrote on camera.
It’s free
First, the course needs some programming background. I will often refer to Java, C++, C, Python or JavaScript throughout the course so you can relate to the topics and “click” them in your head faster. If you’ve never coded before, this course is not for you.
Second, I will ask for your undivided attention. As much as you give to your SO. Seriously, this course is not rushed (I hope), but it’s compressed like a neutron star, with a new thing every 1-2 minutes. It will only be as effective as your focus and commitment throughout the videos.
If you like this course, I have an optional ask: share it. Give this to your colleague, your friend, your dad, your dog, your grandma. Pass this on Twitter and mention me, put it on your LinkedIn or your favorite forum or wherever you think this can help people.