100% Practical
This course is long so we waste no time. This screenshot shows you what you’ll write.
As with anything at Rock the JVM, this course is hands-on. We start by recapping the fundamentals of major Typelevel libraries (Cats, Cats Effect, Doobie, Http4s etc) and then we get started.
We’ll build the project from scratch, starting from a blank directory and from first principles. As our code becomes more complex, we will modularize as necessary.
We will arrive at our decoupled layered architecture organically, without my imposing any style on you from the start. You will find it quite extensible and modular.
A big chunk of the backend is written in test-driven development style. We also have chunks where we write tests after the implementation, so that you feel the difference first-hand. In any event, we do extensive testing and our app will be robust.
As for the frontend, we will add ScalaJS support from scratch, then we’ll start scaffolding our app for scalability so you can easily add a new page or stateful component.
We will also design our domain in a careful way so that the frontend and backend share the same definitions, eliminating nasty bugs due to schema mismatches.