How this ZIO course works
ZIO is pragmatic and so are we.
As with anything at Rock the JVM, this course is hands-on. We start from first principles and don’t assume any ZIO experience. We discover ZIO effects and how to use them, then we’ll learn how to compose complex code, how to introduce parallelism and concurrency to our applications, how to run critical code flows safely and how to test everything, all through practical examples and exercises. In total, we write more than 3000 lines of code in this 13-hour course.
It’s not just about the ZIO APIs, though - this course will teach you timeless principles for pure functional programming and high-performance applications so that you can take them with you even if you stop using ZIO (or Scala).
This course deconstructs and sequences all the important topics in ZIO. You don’t need any other resource once you start. Just sit back and do the work with me on camera.
In this ZIO course, we go from practice to theory, until pure functional programming gets deep in your bones as a Scala developer.
You can write both Scala 3 and Scala 2 in this course, as we support both.