Rock the JVM | Online Courses and Live Training on Scala, Akka, Apache Spark and the JVM

Rock the JVM's annual offer you can't refuse


50% off site-wide! Valid until EOD Nov 27, 2023.


The BF 2023 Bundle

Just for Black Friday...

... you get a one-time "everything" offer. Everything currently published (almost $2500 worth of courses), at an unbeatable price.

$2470 $395

Click here to get it now.

Project-Based Courses

Typelevel Rite of Passage
$495 $247.50

The ultimate experience with the Typelevel stack, at an outrageous price.

ZIO Rite of Passage $495 $247.50

ETA Dec 2023: A giant course on how to build a full-stack product with the ZIO stack. Emails, credit cards, everything is in there.


Scala 3 Essentials $85 $42.50

Take the chance to become a Scala programmer for less than an hour's pay once you get a job. Also for Scala 2.

Scala 3 Advanced $85 $42.50

Same but at a master level this time. Also for Scala 2.

Scala 3 New Features $35 $17.50

A short and sweet course, with a short and sweet price this Black Friday.

Scala & FP Practice $95 $47.50

The Black Friday edition to cracking the Scala programming interview.

Scala at Light Speed $0 $0

This Black Friday, you get this quick-punch 2-hour course for free. Yep, still free!

The Scala Bundle $195 $97.50

Zero to master in Scala in the best course offer of the year.


ZIO $95 $47.50

Learn that hot & pragmatic pure FP library, Black Friday style.


Cats Effect $95 $47.50

Master that concurrency with pure FP, the Black Friday way.

Cats $85 $42.50

One of the most popular FP libraries for Scala, for 50x less than your time learning by yourself.

Big Data

Spark Essentials $75 $37.50

The only Big Data course on the web with real big data, 50% off.

Spark Streaming $75 $37.50

The only streaming course on the web with native integrations and real-life projects, at 50% off.

Spark Optimization $85 $42.50

The only course on Spark optimization techniques on the web, at a blazing offer.

Spark Performance Tuning $75 $37.50

The only Spark course dedicated to performance tuning and maximizing the output of your cluster. Also at an outrageous offer.

The Spark Bundle $180 $90

Become a master at Apache Spark and tell everyone you paid just $90 for it while they paid thousands of dollars for their corporate trainings.

Apache Flink $85 $42.50

Stream big data like a boss, with an unbeatable offer.


Akka Typed $85 $42.50

Write distributed systems with typed actors in this course, at an unmatched price.

Akka Streams $95 $47.50

Learn the same power of Reactive Streams in Scala, at 50% off.

Akka HTTP $50 $25

Microservices in minutes, and still hot on sale.

The Akka Bundle $180 $90

Take the only complete journey with Akka on the web at a discount, write 10k lines of code, rock those distributed systems and enjoy a one-time Black Friday sale.

Also includes all the Akka Classic courses below.

Akka Classic Essentials $50 $25

Learn the Actor Model and become a badass engineer. Same 50% sale.

Akka Classic Persistence $50 $25

Black Friday, say hello to Event Sourcing.

Akka Classic Clustering $50 $25

Distributed systems, baby. Happy Black Friday.

Akka Classic Serialization $30 $15

Boost Akka performance in the time it takes to watch a movie and for the price of a few lattes.